
Owner responsible for this website

Hotel Mea Via - the slow farm hotel
Bulla 14 | 39046 Ortisei Val Gardena, Alto Adige, Italy
+39 0471 796299

VAT n. 01747660213

Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council 
Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission:

Concept | Branding | Marketing

unikateur GmbH
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Büro Augsburg:
Miedringer Str. 20
86444 Affing

Büro Hamburg:
Am Kaiserkai 69
20457 Hamburg

Büro Südtirol:
Boznerbodenweg 17
39100 Bozen

+49 (0) 8582 / 3979790

unikateur is a creative agency for the development and marketing of extraordinary hospitality concepts. In the team from hoteliers, product developers and marketing experts creates unikateur for over 10 years successful Hotelbrands in DACH & IT.

Webdesign & programming

hantha. Web Performance Experts 
Dick 48/B - 39058 Sarntal (BZ) Italy
T. +39 0471 623 721 -

Digital Marketing & Marketing Automation for Hotels

Game changing hospitality marketing on autopilot
Zona Industriale 1/5 - Eurocenter
I - 39011 Lana
South Tyrol / Italy
Tel +39 0473 538800

As a web marketing agency for hotels, ADDITIVE supports leading tourism enterprises with innovative solutions in the area of online marketing for hotels and with additional marketing software specifically for the hotel sector in the area of hotel marketing automation with ADDITIVE+ MARKETING AUTOMATION, hotel software newsletter with ADDITIVE+ NEWSLETTER and hotel coupon software with ADDITIVE+ VOUCHERS.

ADDITIVE is dedicated to transparent and measurable results, innovation and know-how in online marketing in the hotel industry. When developing software applications and new marketing solutions, ADDITIVE always pays attention to data protection and compliance with the GDPR; further information on this can be found on this website under Privacy.


  • Tobias Müller Photography
  • Mea Via
  • Unsplash / Gaelle Marcel,Katherine Chase, David Vazquez, Sam Carter, Thomas Gamstaetter, Huseyin, Ali Inay, Alexander Maasch, Monika Grabkowska, Carissa Gan, Chinh le Duc, Alexandra Andersson, Joris Berthelot, Sivasankara Reddy Bommireddy, Samuel Ferrara, Greg Rakozy, Benjamin Lambert, Andrew Ly, Brian Metzler, Walther Luecker, Henry Be, Matthieu Joannon, Brooke Lark, Adam Jaime, Almos Bechtold, Lindsay Cotter, Mitch Fox, Sarah Comeau, Tommy Lisbin, Michal Kmeť, Drew Dau, Lukas L, Patrick Schneider
  • / piola666, Anchiy, Simonkr, Pixdeluxe, puhimec, franckreporter
  • Seiser Alm Marketing / Laurin Moser, Helmuth Rier
  • IDM Südtirol / Helmuth Rier, Harald Wisthaler, Clemens Zahn, Stefano Scatá, Florian Andergassen, trickytine, Alessandro Trovati, Alex Filz, Alex Moling, Stefan Schütz, Frieder Blickle, Kirsten-J Sörries, Andreas Mierswa, Daniel Geiger, Damian Pertoll
  • / Nadya Korobkova, Michelangeloop, Alena Ozerova, Nd3000, Oneinchpunch, Volodymyr Baleha
  • Freepik / Nenilkime, Macrovector
  • Pixabay / StockSnap
Bulla 14
39046 Ortisei
Val Gardena, Alto Adige, Italy
unique hospitality concepts, by
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